Unfortunately my bills have not, so in my search for a greater income I have discovered adsense by google. No I am not getting paid to say this, If I can help my friends, it will help me, and yes I am a compassionate person too.
You can view how people are making a great living with adsense on you tube. My eyes and ears are open.
After watching these videos I feel like I have been out to lunch for too long. I am not going to complain about not making enough money anymore, I am sick of hearing myself, plus
complaining only makes things worse.
Really, this brings me to the other videos and books I am reading by Abraham-Hicks www.abraham-hicks.com
you might want to read those books and watch some of the videos on youtube too.
It is like a fast track to "The Secret" I hope you all have seen that movie, keys to a better life;
how our minds and hearts create our world.
So my new motto
I know many people have been turned off of religion these days and most people know the reason.
I don't consider myself religious, I consider myself humanitarian.
But I do want to talk about the Bible and one phrase that has always intrigued me;
"The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth"
I always wondered about that, who are the meek? Are they people who will lie down and let you trample them? Are they the mormons or some other group?
Well I have found the answer.
The meek are people who are willing to learn. It is that simple.
I am willing to learn, I am dropping my ingrained preconceptions about
things. I am willing and open to learn more. That's it. I am keeping an open mind, and following my heart.
I asked the question, "How can I make a better living?" And I am getting answers.
There are always answers if you ask.
Please let me know if anything was useful
and if you have success stories.
Have a good life,
See you next time,
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